A cloud-based platform for Digital Twin, Data Aggregation, Analytics, Alerts, and CMMS Digitalized Maintenance
Digital Twin • CMMS • Data Integration and Analysis • Ready-to-use Reports
Save up to 80% of the time at work with Scops' automations

Companies can avoid inefficiencies and fragmented data silos with the Scops solution, which facilitates the collection of all information from maintenance activities, energy consumption measurements, and machinery performance.
It aggregates all valuable data on its Cloud platform, providing easy access for companies to optimize maintenance and production operations while reducing energy waste.
Scops seamlessly integrates data from wireless IoT Sensors, existing sensors, signals on machinery, manual maintenance measurements, and third-party databases like Scada, Excel, ERP, and Smart Meter.
Scops helps companies save up to 80% of the time on data, report, and graph preparation, by automating the creation of interactive, 24-hour dashboards for real-time monitoring. Monitoring maintenance activities, energy consumption, and production and operational performance of industrial machinery, building, and infrastructure assets becomes effortless with Scops.
It covers the business's need for a Data-Science team by simplifying data preparation for charts, dashboards, online reports, and offline PDFs. This way, Scops supports operations, maintenance, energy, and production teams, reducing inefficiencies and saving costs.
Scops enables instant visualization of automated KPIs for assets, machinery, plants, buildings, and infrastructure. It empowers companies to gain data-driven insights through AI-based analysis of business data.
It collects strategic energy, maintenance, and operational information, enabling companies to plan efficient Energy Efficiency, Condition-based Maintenance, Predictive Maintenance, and Digitized 4.0 Management strategies.
Scops automates the continuous monitoring of business parameters controlled via IoT sensors or manual activities, providing dynamic and up-to-date performance indicators. This results in tangible benefits such as reduced operational costs, improved production efficiency, and enhanced sustainability.

Discover the Scops Starter Kits
You can buy or rent Starter Kits to quickly start pilot projects with a focus on Energy Monitoring, Predictive Maintenance or Sustainability.
The Kits are Wireless, Plug & Play, non-invasive, with Standard LoRaWAN technology® and are installed in 20 minutes. They include:
- IoT Wireless Sensors for different measurements
- Gateway for radio data transfer to the Scops cloud
- AI Software for Advanced Analytics and Anomaly Detection Alerts
What are the advantages of the Scops solution?
Apply these features to your business
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Start with the Rental Kit
Scops accelerates companies' journey towards becoming data-driven, making it five times faster. The wireless, plug-and-play, and non-invasive Scops kits can be installed in just 20 minutes. They encompass the entire data pipeline, from IoT measurements to AI-powered Data Analysis and visualization on automated dashboards.
About the Kit